Category Archives: Conspiracy

Fabricating a Case Against Iran – Another War in the Works By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

Under the safeguards agreement that Iran has with the IAEA, a nuclear facility is not secret unless Iran completes and operates the facility without informing the IAEA.

Despite these unequivocal facts, Obama announced on September 25 that Iran has been caught with a “secret nuclear facility” with which to produce a bomb that would threaten the world. Continue reading

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The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary (PDF Book)

The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary (PDF Book)

How do you sell the American public on the idea that Israel has the right to maintain or even expand Jewish settlements in the West Bank? Be positive. Turn the issue away from settlements and toward peace. Invoke ethnic cleansing.
Those are three of the recommendations made by Frank Luntz, a political consultant and pollster, in an internal study he wrote for the Washington-based group The Israel Project (TIP) on effective ways to talk to Americans about the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

The 117-page study, titled The Israel Project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was commissioned by the nonprofit group, which aims to promote Israel’s side of the story, and leaked to NEWSWEEK. It includes chapters with such titles as “How to Talk About Palestinian Self Government and Prosperity” and “The Language of Tackling a Nuclear Iran.”
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Aust. public broadcaster SBS directed to no longer use the term “Palestinian land”

So narrow has political debate become here in Australia over the Israel/Palestine conflict that attempts to remind Australians of basic facts, well accepted in the global community, are falling foul of censorship — silenced by the swish of a bureaucrat’s pen.

Journalists at public broadcaster SBS have been told, in a missive from their head of news, that the station’s Ombudsman has ruled out the use of the phrase “Palestinian land” to describe the occupied territories of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. The status of these territories “remains the subject of negotiation”, the memo says, and should be described solely with reference to their geographical location, for instance: “Israeli settlements on the West Bank”.
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Why Not Sanctions for Israel? By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS

In Israel, a country stolen from the Palestinians, fanatics control the government. One of the fanatics is the prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. Last week Netanyahu called for “crippling sanctions” against Iran.

The kind of blockade that Netanyahu wants qualifies as an act of war. Israel has long threatened to attack Iran on its own but prefers to draw in the US and NATO.

Why does Israel want to initiate a war between the United States and Iran?

Is Iran attacking other countries, bombing civilians and destroying civilian infrastructure?

No. These are crimes committed by Israel and the US.

Is Iran evicting peoples from lands they have occupied for centuries and herding them into ghettoes?

No, that’s what Israel has been doing to the Palestinians for 60 years.

What is Iran doing?

Iran is developing nuclear
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Israeli Organ Harvesting By ALISON WEIR

In the article, “Our sons plundered for their organs,” veteran journalist Donald Bostrom writes that Palestinians “harbor strong suspicions against Israel for seizing young men and having them serve as the country’s organ reserve – a very serious accusation, with enough question marks to motivate the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to start an investigation about possible war crimes.”

An army of Israeli officials and apologists immediately went into high gear, calling both Bostrom and the newspaper’s editors “anti-Semitic.” The Israeli foreign minister was reportedly “aghast” and termed it “a demonizing piece of blood libel.” An Israeli official called it “hate porn.” Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy, Ideaology, Middle East, Palestine, Zionism | 1 Comment

What Actually Happened in Fatah’s Elections? – Esam Al-Amin

CIA-Trained Security Chiefs Elected to the Palestinian Leadership

“He is our guy.”

George W. Bush speaking of Palestinian security chief Muhammad Dahlan, June 4, 2003

“Simply put, the U.S. wants a Palestinian leadership that will answer these questions in a way that is satisfactory to Israel. As one State Department official said to Vanity Fair regarding American objectives in the Israeli-Palestinian struggle, “[W]e care about results, and [we support] whatever son of a bitch [w]e have to support. Dahlan was the son of a bitch we happened to know best.””
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Assassinations and Coups – Keeping Track of the Empire’s Crimes By WILLIAM BLUM

All of this can be confusing to those following the news. And rather irrelevant. We already know that the United States has been assassinating non-believers, or suspected non-believers, with regularity, and impunity, in recent years, using unmanned planes (drones) firing missiles, in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Somalia, if not elsewhere. (Even more victims have been produced from amongst those who happened to be in the same house, car, wedding party, or funeral as the non-believer.) These murders apparently don’t qualify as “assassinations”, for somehow killing “terrorists” from 2000 feet is morally and legally superior to doing so from two feet away. Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy, Empire, History, Ideaology, Redneckia | 1 Comment

Explosive Allegations: Blackwater Founder Implicated in Murder

Sworn statements filed in Federal Court also allege that Blackwater founder Erik Prince launched a “crusade” to eliminate Muslims and Islam.

To that end, Mr. Prince intentionally deployed to Iraq certain men who shared his vision of Christian supremacy, knowing and wanting these men to take every available opportunity to murder Iraqis. Many of these men used call signs based on the Knights of the Templar, the warriors who fought the Crusades.

Mr. Prince operated his companies in a manner that encouraged and rewarded the destruction of Iraqi life. For example, Mr. Prince’s executives would openly speak about going over to Iraq to “lay Hajiis out on cardboard.” Going to Iraq to shoot and kill Iraqis was viewed as a sport or game. Mr. Prince’s employees openly and consistently used racist and derogatory terms for Iraqis and other Arabs, such as “ragheads” or “hajiis.” Continue reading

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CIA, Iran and the Election Riots – June 14, 2009 – Updated 04.Aug 09

A troubled week in Iran – 38 Pictures |Iran’s continued election turmoil – 27 Pictures | Iran’s Disputed Election – 38 Photos | Iran’s Presidential Election – 35 Photos Iranian Elections: The ‘Stolen Elections’ Hoax What Actually Happened in … Continue reading

Posted in Conspiracy, Empire, Ideaology, Iran | 3 Comments

Is Iran The Islamic State? – Atif Salahuddin

Flag of Islamic Republic of Iran

Contrary to popular belief Iran is not an Islamic state as outlined by the Quran and Sunnah. In Sunni Islam the Caliphate with the Caliph elected by the people is the benchmark whilst Shia Islam considers an infallible Imam appointed by Allah(SWT) as the legitimate ruler over the Islamic state. To understand the true reality of Iran one needs to consider the actual constitutional foundations of post-revolutionary Iran. An examination of the Iranian political system and comparison with the Islamic state of Muhammad(SAW) will reveal Iran as very much a man-making legislative quasi democracy couched in an Islamic garb which differs from the Western model only to the extent that it does not incorporate liberal social values in it’s political culture; it is not a ‘liberal democracy’ so to speak. Continue reading

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